Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Score:5 Go get your own!

The Crew hounded their benefactor, Bazo Baz for more work.  Insensed by the neediness of his newest and greenest recruits he tossed them out to find their own source of income.   They decided to wrest a portion of Cinder street from the red sashes. The plan was simple pit the sashes against the blue coates in their own territory and get the citizenry to turn on the Red Sashes and help push them out.   The Crew Disguised themselves and planted messages that there was to be a major dust up over on Little Cinder Street. The Blue Coats were informed The Crows were taking territory. The crew Disguised as crows started a fight with the Sashes on cinder street and When the Blue Coates came they attacked them as well.  The and The Citizenry weighed in to protect the Crows. The Red Sashes were hauled off leaving a vacuum of power on cinder street which the Crew quickly filled by assuring the Blue coats would be handled. The Crew forged a relationship with the people of cinder street and told them they had not plans of extorting them.  They have christened themselves the Postmen and with the gaining of fresh turf and bringing a war with the Redsashes, they have finally made themselves a reputation in crows foot. They became a Teir 1 gang with a weak grip on their holdings. The ranks grew and Bazo gave them great praise.

Type: Deception

Target: Red Sash Turf in On Little Cinder Street
Crew: Mcrowly, Nicolia, Mr Bierce

Summary: Crew Gaind turf on cinder street, and some good will with the citizenry.  The Redsashes were Thrown out and The Crew named them selves the Postmen and became a notable gang.

Pay Off:  Turf (Little Cinder St)  and 6 coin plundered 2 rep
Faction Status:  Red Sashes -3, (War) Crows -1,  (something hinky going on)
Crew Clocks: McCrowley Stanly (Go gadget copter (4/8)
Faction Clocks:
 (Red Sash Supremacy (⅞)  Lampblacks Supremacy ⅞ Lamp backs Build device 4/8

Crew gained enough Rep to go up a tier costing 8 Coin
Entanglements:  The Red sashes have finally had it and they bring the rest of their gang to little cinder street And ask for redress. The Pipes and Blades come out.  What will the Postmen do?  

Status of the War for Crows foot.  The Lampblacks had the territory well in hand as they thought they had the Red Sashes on the ropes.  With the early strikes and Red sash uncertita of who the Blue Coats would back, The lampbacks did what they did best.  Sew Chaos in the streets, however the superior skill an fighting acumen of the Redsashes has come about. During the last few nights the rowdy and undisciplined Lampblack have lost ground.  The Redsashes cut off some of the supplies of Bazos Dens and Have called for one final showdown to determine the outcome of the war as the losses have been very heavy on both sides. The end is near and Bazz and 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Score 4 Ledger of Death

The Crews old friend Lutes from the Blue Aardvark sent them a message, he had a potential job for them.  When they showed up at the shabby pub, Lutes told the partial crew he had a friend that need some help but he would pay because he owed the Associate a debt and so would reciprocate by finding a crew for him.  Lutes had no info on the score. The crew accepted the score sight unseen for 3 coin Enter Ambros Spencer Benedict Broccia or Mr Bierce. He was hard up and need a big favor. The Score was to enter Lord Skurloks abode and search for a secret ledger of secrete souls, hidden from the spirit wardens.  It seams Ambrose is in search of his lost love and fears she is deceased but hopes to find out what happened to her an possible contact her spirit. Lord Skurlok is known to protect Spirits from destruction at the hands of the Spirit wardens. The crew opted for an approach of deception and while they managed to get in the front door, but due to some unsuccessful negotiations with a massive clockwork Automaton, ended up in Lord Skurloks audience trapped in the iron grip of the automaton squirming and sputtering. Nicolia was able to find a library and Elon found the secret ledger room while Ambrose was able to fast talk Skurlok, and while this gave the other members time to poke around the mansion, it succeeded in bring The old Vampires disdain down on the Poor whisperer.  Skurlok had finally had enough and trapped the crew to find out what was actually happening. He finally decided that the crew had potential and cast an enchantment which bonded the three of them to him. Each of the offenders now have sleeves of runes tattooed around their forearms. After interrogating the partial crew Skurlok let them go warning them never to return until they were summoned. They never got a look at the ledger.

Type: Deception
Target: Lord Skurlok
Location: Lord Skurlok’s mansion

Summary: Enter Lord Skurloks mansion, talk their way in, and find the ledger of Secret souls and escape without being burned up, eaten or thrown into the dungeon.  This was not what happened. The Crew ended up in the dungeon and finally bonded to Skurlok with no compensation. Lutes still paid his part.

Pay Off: 3 Rep: 2 Heat 0 except from Skurlok
Faction Status: Skurlok -1

Crew Clocks: no new clocks

Crew gained enough Rep to go up a tier costing 8 Coin

Crew gained enough xp to get an upgrade

Mr Bierce acquired a Temporary Spirit Chort: Tier II Frchmen Elbeth Former Bluecoat officer died in a gang fight.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Score 3 Bring it  home
The Crew,  Asked Bazz if he needed anything and the old crime boss had an excellent score for His newest and Most promising crew.   It seems that there was a delivery that was going to the red sashes. Bazz caught wind of it and wanted it. He scraped a large payment together and ordered the crew to go “recieve” it for him.  They had a rout and decided to intercept the courier just over the West Crows foot bridge. The beginning exchange didn’t go too well. The red sashes were alerted and the crew was pressed to make the exchange quickly.   Stanly offered the full amount Baz offered for it and the Gondolier courier took it. He left quickly as Alistar And Nicolai, dealt with the Red Sashes. Both Alistair and Nic ended up in the Drink. Alastair did some fine double shooting with a shot guns but couldn’t hold them and got blasted into the river.  Nic only killed one Red Sash. And Stanley rigged up a rickshaw they had stashed to hightail it back to the base. They delivered the package to Baz who was very happy

Type: Transportation
Target: Red Sash delivery from Gondoliers
Location: Crows Foot West Crows foot Bridge

Summary: They got the package, didn’t peak at it and didn’t make trouble with the gondoliers, However they disturbed the Red sashes again and brought enough heat down on them to raise their wanted level. Killed one more Red Sash.

Pay off: 6 coin 4 rep 4 heat Bringing wanted lvl 1
Entanglements (Melenea Friend of Nic) Picked up and harassed by the Blue coats crew pd 1 coin to get her out)
Faction status : Lampblacks 3 Red Sashes -2
Crew Clocks: Stanley LTP (design Go Go Gadget Copter (2/8)

Faction Clocks
Lamp back Supremacy (5/8) Lamp backs Build The device (2/8)
Red Sashes Supremacy (4/8)

Crow Supremacy (2/8)

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Score 2 Make Em Pay

The Crew went to Tunz, a local Tavern owner for some work.  He gave them a task to make a fledgling crew (The Black Horns) pay rent on their Lair.  The McCrowley, Yelnats, and Nic, when down and made em pay.

Pay off (3 coin-1 to lamp backs) Heat (0)  Low profile quick resolution.
Entanglements:  Blue coats picked up Frans and questioned Him. +2 Heat.
No Change in Faction Status.

Crew Clocks (Alastar LTP Increase security in lair (1/8)

Faction Clock Advancements:
Red Sash Supremacy (3/8)
Lampblack Supremacy (4/8)

Crow Supremacy (2/8)

Score 1 Smash the Bottles!
Score outcome Official campaign log

Grizz Was not impressed  the crew did not find lyssa,  he eventually found her that night himself.  This was compounded by the fact that the crew was obviously participating in the nights violence which raged across crows foot.

Bazo Baz was quite happy with the outcome and was unaware that the Crew had intentions to kill Lampblacks as the.  Hans and Franz reported back to Baz that the Crew were efficient and fierce operators that got the Job done.

Mylera was not at all happy with the Crew as they did not fulfill the nights requests of violence against the Lampblacks it is however unclear whether she knows if they undertook  misadventures against her gang or not. We will play to find out.

Assault on The Red Sashes was effective,  they destroyed the cache of potions but brought the heat down.
Pay off
8 coin (from lampblacks)
Rep 2 or 4 Depending if they want the Sashes to know
Heat +4 (Things were on fire and the blue coats got involved)
Entanglements (McColly is picked up by the Coats could be counted as incarceration to clear heat) He played it Straight.  Pretended he was just a victim.
Faction Status Bluecoats -1, Red Sashes -1 or -2  Lamb Backs +1

Nicholai Tramaed out due to over exuberance and gained the reckless Trama.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


We enter with our characters without crew or prospects.  Some know each other some don’t. The Find themselves all picked up by the new  Blue Coat Commander of the Crows foot precinct. He “Asks” for their help in some exchange for the favor of the blue coats.  He needs to find Lyssa, The new leader of the crows as there has been an internal shift and Lyssa is implicated in the organizational arrangement of the Crows but nowhere to be found.  Lt Grazz like to stay ahead of the gang activities as he senses a Major power struggle coming.

The Characters “Agree” in order to secure their immediate freedom.

Little did Grazz know that earlier that night.  That Each of the crew members were propositioned by other Power contenders in Crows foot.  As there is a power vacuum initiated by the Murder of Roric who kept all the gangs of Crows Foot subdued.  They are looking for the denizens of Crows foot to declare loyalty in the upcoming hostilities.

The Lampblacks Headed by Bazo Baz asked the some of the crew to smash some of the Red Sashes Potion depots and The Red Sashes asked Crew just to bring back the heads of some Lampbacks.  The Crew members “Accepted” each mission in turn, hoping to profitly greatly from the gang war obviously on the horizon.

The Score undertaken was Assault on a Red Sash Alchemy depot.  They Endeavored to destroy the potion vault in a secret depot and leave no witnesses including the Lampblack thugs that Bazo afforded them to undertake their mission.  How did it go? In the end, the Red sashes were dead, the depot was destroyed. However, the comotion stirred up brought the Blue coats and all crew members escaped Except for the befuddled Allistar McCrowlly who had unleashed a covey of spirits from some spirit bottles.  McCrowlly was picked up by The blue coats.