Score 3 Bring it home
The Crew, Asked Bazz if he needed anything and the old crime boss had an excellent score for His newest and Most promising crew. It seems that there was a delivery that was going to the red sashes. Bazz caught wind of it and wanted it. He scraped a large payment together and ordered the crew to go “recieve” it for him. They had a rout and decided to intercept the courier just over the West Crows foot bridge. The beginning exchange didn’t go too well. The red sashes were alerted and the crew was pressed to make the exchange quickly. Stanly offered the full amount Baz offered for it and the Gondolier courier took it. He left quickly as Alistar And Nicolai, dealt with the Red Sashes. Both Alistair and Nic ended up in the Drink. Alastair did some fine double shooting with a shot guns but couldn’t hold them and got blasted into the river. Nic only killed one Red Sash. And Stanley rigged up a rickshaw they had stashed to hightail it back to the base. They delivered the package to Baz who was very happy
Type: Transportation
Target: Red Sash delivery from Gondoliers
Location: Crows Foot West Crows foot Bridge
Summary: They got the package, didn’t peak at it and didn’t make trouble with the gondoliers, However they disturbed the Red sashes again and brought enough heat down on them to raise their wanted level. Killed one more Red Sash.
Pay off: 6 coin 4 rep 4 heat Bringing wanted lvl 1
Entanglements (Melenea Friend of Nic) Picked up and harassed by the Blue coats crew pd 1 coin to get her out)
Faction status : Lampblacks 3 Red Sashes -2
Crew Clocks: Stanley LTP (design Go Go Gadget Copter (2/8)
Faction Clocks
Lamp back Supremacy (5/8) Lamp backs Build The device (2/8)
Red Sashes Supremacy (4/8)
Crow Supremacy (2/8)
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